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Encuentro empresarial: Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Economy

El Encuentro internacional virtual “Innovación en medio ambiente, energía y economía circular"  , reúne a empresas y organizaciones de investigación de toda Europa y el mundo. Esta es una oportunidad única, organizada en el marco de Enterprise Europe Network, para generar nuevos contactos para negocios, cooperación técnica e I+D.

Se realizarán reuniones en bilaterales a través de B2Match, de una duración de 20 minutos. El registro esta abierto hasta el  30 Junio 2021.

Los temas principales, sobre los que girará este evento son:

  • Residuos y Reciclaje
  • Energía renovable
  • Eficiencia energética
  • Economía circular
  • Agua y tratamientos de agua

En paralelo a los encuentros empresariales virtuales se llevan a cabo Webinar/pitches en línea con las temáticas del evento.

Los próximos webinar/pitches:

Webinar 17- Horizon Europe Opportunities for the Circular Economy 

Organized and hosted by Bavarian Research Alliance in collaboration with Thematic Group Circular Economy,
30 March 2021, 14.00-15.00 p.m. CET

Pitching Session 4 - Spotlights on European Expertise in Environmental solutions 

Organized and hosted by Sector Group Environment
7 April 2021, 16.00-17.30 p.m.

What is it about?
Environment is a huge topic in which many different solutions can offer new possibilities in different sector like water, life cycle analysis, air quality, waste management or energy transition. The present pitching session will give the floor to specialized companies with innovative ideas in this topics, among others.

Webinar 18 - An SDG Action Plan for your business: Where do we begin?

Organized and hosted by Sector Group Environment

19th April 2021, 16.00-17.30 p.m.

What is it about?
The current global health and environmental crisis encourages us to seek new business models compatible with the maintenance of ecosystems that are the basis of the economy and social well-being. This need is explicitly addressed in the new legislative and financial frameworks such as the Green Deal, the EU Taxonomy or the ESG investment criteria.


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